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2006-06-20 - 12:15 p.m.

We�re half way there�

I am at 20.5 weeks which makes me 5 months pregnant and at 20 weeks, half way to the finish line (because you are preggers for 40 weeks, which is actually almost 10 months for those not in the baby know). I have gained 6 lbs from the get-go which I am very happy with as is my doc.

Baby Girl Peterson (oh if you didn't know, it's a girl!) does not have a name yet but several candidates, few of which her father and I both agree on. I keep referring to her as different names to see if anything is going to stick and Jon does the same. When he said �Goodnight, Gertrude� yesterday, I knew we were in trouble and I better keep plugging away with some halfway cute and reasonable names.

I got my first taste of �teenager� this weekend. We went away camping/staying in a friend's chalet in Watertown with the Children of Jon (COJ) on Thursday night. We came back on Friday evening as Son of Jon (SOJ) had a baseball game and practice the next morning and Daughter of Jon (DOJ) had some all day cheerleading thing followed by a cheerleading sleepover on Saturday. Sat. afternoon, their mommy called wanting to know why DOJ would be staying at her house when it was Jon�s weekend. So Jon called his dear daughter wondering the same thing and she didn�t answer/call back. So he left a nasty gram for dear 17 year old and told her to be at his house within the hour, that we were coming back. After 3-4 more calls, she never called back, never showed up. Sunday came and same thing, so Jon went over to her mommy's house where she was. Well, little Missy never got herself a summer job, hasn�t paid for her cell phone in 3 months (2 of which are excusable because she was playing high school softball) so Jon called and had it cancelled. She is now not speaking to him and according to her blog she hates him and he�s a dick. Hmmm� Thanks for ruining my weekend little Missy. We ran into another cheerleader last night and she confirmed that there never was any sort of cheerleader sleepover, so there�s another lie.

The three things she can�t live without, according to myspace, are her cell phone, her mommy and I can�t remember the third. Egads. I don�t know, maybe an apology to your dad, stopping the lying and coming up with the scratch to pay for what you obligated yourself to would get your #1 prized possession back. Although I know she will never see me as her step-mom (I am her dad's wife), she does need to realize that her actions affect more than just her. When I was her age (she has a birthday the day after mine), I had graduated from high school and was headed off to college. She is going to be a senior and is very immature in a lot of ways and she's lazy to boot.

I am taking the high speed ferry to Michigan tomorrow for 2 days with my boss, followed by a trade show in Baltimore Sat � Tuesday. Then I come back for 2 days and have a lovely 5 day weekend J We are supposed to go up north with some friends and then spend the 2-4th in Green Lake with my family and the Day�s. Yeah!

Ta ta-

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Shoes - 2009-04-29
I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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