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2004-06-03 - 9:39 a.m.

I am so hungover, I think I may have drunken (drunk?) my body weight in Miller Lite last night. I just talked to Neil, he reports that I was slugging 'em back 2 or 3 times faster than the rest of 'em, who were drinking mixers.

I still have a bad wheel, but it seems to be improving. I think I am going to check on ebay and see if someone is selling some grace, because I could use some.

I have the best of intentions but it never seems to work out like that. I went out for a couple of beers with the GE boys and I was in a hoo-ha of a sassy mood. For the record, I did get blown off for some type of house project. But, he did show up at Rita Rae�s. He even called me in route to see what I was up to but lucky boy � I was already there. Very good, bonus points for that. And, despite my nasty, nasty, nasty (did I mention it was nasty?) hangover, I think we are supposed to go out for dinner tonight. We shall see about that. I have 2 Dr�s appointments this afternoon so if I can squeeze out a nap in between, I�ll be in good shape.

Ann had a date last night � a new boy. He was nice, cute but very, very quiet. Word on the street is that they are going out again tonight. She is also very, very hungover, she just called me and she forgot her purse at home this morning. At least I am in good company.

I think that I am quite possibly the world�s worst pool player. Seriously. For the few hours I have spent hanging out in bars, I really should be able to play the damn game. I can�t hit the broad side of a barn with a damn pool shot.

Did I mention that I have a hangover? Because I am the proud owner of one.

I also spilt a beer on my purse, it is still kind of soggy. Which sucks because my other purse (the big one that MC calls the Joan bag) is broke and I have to take it to Coach to be fixed.

Sorry, I don't think I am very funny today unless you are my co-worker Amy (who rocks). I think that she takes much entertainment in my current state.

Ok back to the thing I like to call work.

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Shoes - 2009-04-29
I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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