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2005-12-07 - 1:37 p.m.

I must be part Eskimo�

�to choose to live in sunny Wisconsin where it was �2 degrees on my way in to work today AND be wearing a skirt. Above the knee, too. I must be insane. Good thing leather boots and a long wool coat are pretty warm. Still, what must I be thinking?

I got to meet my good pal Michelle last night for dinner and drinks. She was in town for training. I had dinner and 2 beers, she had dinner and about 20 glasses of white zin (or 6 but who�s counting Mich�). It is so nice to see good friends that you haven�t seen in 6 months. So I get home a little before 10 and my dad tells me that I don�t appear to be following my �plan� and my mom says �seems like you have had a few beers�. Um, no, I had 2. I could have stayed and had many more with Michelle. I could have had a couple with Hoover as he was sitting by the door on my way out. I could have stopped at one of several watering holes on my way home. But did I? Nope. I did WHAT I am supposed to do and still got s-h-it for it. Ugh.

Tonight I am going out for a cocktail or 2 with the GE boys. Who that entails at this point, I am unclear but it should be fun, we are going to Champps. Then I am going to have a slumber party with Juanathon.

I got my jr. project done � getting the shower invites finished for Shannie�s baby shower. Now I just need to go to the post office at lunch, slap the stamps on them and I am off the hizzook until the day of the shower. Oh, I guess I do need to order cookie favors and maybe a couple of balloon bouquets, but I think I can swing that.

I had a very freaky ESP moment yesterday. I was going to the Walgreen�s by the house I grew up in. I was just thinking to myself, �self, with all the people you know that live around here, it�s odd that you don�t run into more people at the grocery store, pharmacy, etc.�. So I start thinking of all the people I know who live in a mile or so radius of said grocery store and pharmacy. One of the people I think of is Betty W., my old boss from Pick �n Save. I also went to grade school with one of her daughters. So I walk down the vitamin aisle and lo and behold, who is standing there, that I haven�t thought of in at least 10 years? Yep, Betty W. Weird, huh?

Ok, back to the thing I like to call my job...


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