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2005-08-29 - 10:00 a.m.

Kickball team prevails�

I took to the field for the first time in three seasons. I guess I did ok on the field, not much to it at catcher and went 0-4 at the plate. That sucks, I guess I may have been a little nervous about my knee but it was just fine. We won 12-1.

This was my first Jon-free weekend and that didn�t go so well. If I just didn�t miss him so much, it would be easier. I am so used to talking to him every day, bouncing things off of him, it�s like my best friend died or something. I am just very sad. I spent Saturday night at Joanne and Gary�s, yip yapping, playing Apples to Apples (which rocks) and drinking a LOT of beer, 14 to be exact. That�s a lot of beer; I guess I don�t usually keep a count. Sorry Weight Watchers�I expect my results this week won�t be too stellar.

I do have a very cute new outfit on today, a swirly knee length skirt with purple and blue and green splotches on it, think Monet-ish, and a cute sweater to match, complements of Betty Jean and Jingles. I would call it �I broke up with my boyfriend and got a new outfit� outfit but they technically bought it 1 day prior to that. (Remember, I had the �Andy broke up with me� cute sandals from college).

I spent a good part of yesterday with Jon and it was nice. We hung out, went to La Fuente for some yummy lunch and I left not crying. That�s a first as every phone call this week and every visit for the last couple weeks have resulting in my crying, sometimes just a little, sometimes full out sobbing, the kind that little kids do, so hard that they start sucking big globs of air through their mouth because they can�t catch their breath. I really do hope that we can maintain our friendship, as he says, for the rest of our lives. Right now though, it�s very hard because we look at each other and immediately, there is the desire to be naked.

I am going camping with the usual group this weekend, Joanne, Shep, Kathie, Mary, etc. I am looking forward to it but am a little nervous because it is all couples. Not that I care that all my friends are in l-o-v-e but since I am still in l-o-v-e with Jon and won�t be with him this weekend, it will be extra hard for me. That and I am the only single one that is going. Some other friend of one of the boyfriends is going and I was like that�s cool, as I won�t be the only singleton there. Apparently he is now bringing some girl so I am back to the solo single girl. I know that Jo and Gary will be especially nice to me and make sure that I am not feeling left out, but when everyone else is sitting around the campfire holding hands and stuff like that, I think I will feel very lonely.

Ok, that�s a good start. Not much going on this week so I should be able to hit the gym a time or 2. YEAH!

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I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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