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2005-07-14 - 10:27 a.m.

Did you ever feel like a 3 year old

Because that�s how your parents treat you, even though you are more than 10x that age? As you may know, I moved back home in June, against my better judgment.

I have a boyfriend with the following characteristics: kind, giving, funny, hard working, always smiling, good and stable job of 15 years, never judgmental, all around nice guy. He is also 41, going through a divorce which has been looming for almost 2 years and it is almost done, has a 12 year old son and a 16 year old daughter who happens to share my name. He is 5�3�, about 200 lbs with a head he shaves almost bald and the biggest blue eyes and best smile I have ever seen.

Now, I know you are thinking to yourself, ok, he sounds great. And he is. But tell that to my parents who seem to enjoy making disparaging remarks such as �he obviously isn�t in any physical shape�. This man will hop on his bike 2 or 3 times a week, last weekend, he went on a ride for 25 miles. Is he is great shape? No, but he also lifts really heavy stuff all day long for work in and out of his truck�.I would challenge my father who runs 3 miles 2-3 times a week to haul around a full-size pickup truck hood or unload an 80 ramp and then wheel a 55 gallon drum of some type of liquid car-fixing thingy on a daily basis.

Anyway, it is very frustrating and upsetting to me that my parents for whatever reason have taken a dislike to him. My family is going on vacation to Mackinac Island for Labor Day weekend. I was going to join them. My sister and her husband are going. My brother and his girlfriend were invited but are unable to go because of teaching obligations. Jon and the children had expressed an interest in going. There are 2 hotel rooms which are basically suites�each one has a shared bathroom and 2 bedrooms-a queen in one and 2 singles in the other. Since there are only 4 people (parents, sister/husband) going thus far, that leaves 2 empty bedrooms (or one suite if you are doing the math). My dad gets a great rate for the rooms but each kid pays their own way.

So I asked my mom yesterday if it was ok if Jon brought the kiddies up for a couple days. I could hear the hesitation in her voice. She pawned it off on my dad, saying it was �his vacation� and he was doing the planning. So I got on the horn to my dad. His response was �I don�t think that will work�. So screw them all. If my boyfriend is not welcome with his children, then I am going to take that very personally and I will not go either. My sister will be about 4 months pregnant by then, so it�s not like we are going to be doing all kinds of crazy stuff that kids can not participate in. Even so, the kids are certainly old enough if we all wanted to go out after dinner or whatever that they can stay by themselves, and since all the bars up there are restaurant/bars, they are always full of kids anyway. I thought maybe I was taking it too personally but I ran it by Best Pal MC and she said nope, I was not over-reacting�so I feel a little bit justified.

So I am moderately to severely irritated and at the same time really hurt. It is time for us to schedule the annual joint birthday celebration for my brother, his girlfriend and my brother-in-law. They all have birthdays within 2 weeks of each other. Guess who else does�Jon. So, I have asked my mother 3 or 4 times about it and now my sister twice and no one has gotten back to me. I don�t know if they are not wanting to include Jon in the celebrating or if they don�t want feel like they have to buy him gifts or what the skinny is but it is very annoying none the less.

I am also annoyed with my other very good friend, who is very, very needy. The kind that you could have had your arm amputated off and she would have a bigger crisis, like she got a fly in her Cobb salad at Applebee�s or other such important catastrophes. Anyway, after a 2 week incapacitating virus, then a couple weeks of high drama almost marriage proposal, then breakup with said proposee a scant couple days later, followed by a fall down the stairs at his house, resulting in a broken ankle and a cast up to the knee. Anyway, I was asked if I would pick her up to go to a candle party on Saturday. What I don�t understand is how can one drive themselves to work but not to a party??

Ok, my angry, bitter little self is going to be getting back to the task at hand�cold calling. Blech. And I forgot my cold-calling headgear, my Jack Nicklaus Shark golf style hat, at home. It really helps put me in the mode, but I guess I will have to wing it.


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Shoes - 2009-04-29
I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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