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2004-08-09 - 9:31 a.m.

I have nothing to report. Yep, you heard it here first. Here is my weekend in review: nothing. Ok, not exactly true but close. I did manage to read 2 books, both of which were very good.

Friday was Gourmet night - hot dogs on the grill followed by the first hour of Lord of the Rings � Return of the King. I couldn�t take much more than that, I really want to see it but I couldn�t get into it so I read The Devil Wears Prada instead.

Saturday �haircut followed by a 2.5 hour nap and went to MC�s at night to help her make giant tissue paper flowers for Annie�s birthday party. Yes, I live the crazy life. We did each have a wine cooler (of our own-didn�t even split one!) and yip yapped, which was entertaining, per normal.

Sunday, I got a few house things done and off to the mall with Shanniegirl and Spice. Dang, those girls can shop their asses off and we limped out of the mall before they kicked us out about 6:45.

Thanks for the support, those of you that felt my heart-felt desire to go to the fair on Sunday. I did get an offer to go with my hairdresser and her husband but I took a pass on it. I am going to go with her on Sunday to see Montgomery Gentry (Hell Yeah!).

This week should prove to be exciting � tonight I am supposed to head out for a drink with Major Trouble. PLEASE NOTE: This was by his asking, not mine. We haven�t gone out just the two of us in months so that should be pretty interesting. Tomorrow, I am going to go to her flower appointment with Shanniegirl. Wed or Thursday, I am going to the Fair with Jingles and Spice. Next weekend is the big (gulp-50 people?) shower for Shannie so I will be working on that crap later in the week.

One of my friends totally blew me off this weekend (i.e. didn�t return my 2 phone calls) which I am upset about. I think everyone who reads this blog has a pretty good understanding of my feelings about people who don�t call me back because everyone can find the time to do so. Even if you have 2 seconds to say hey, I don�t have time to talk because I am busy doing whatever but can I call you Monday, never mind that you have undergone 2 personal crisis�s in the last 2 weeks and I haven�t been around or called you in the last week and a half. **stepping off of my soap box now, thank you very much**

Ok, have a most pleasant Monday, I shall be back atcha tomorrow-


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I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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