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2004-05-11 - 9:21 a.m.

Happy Tuesday!

Please note that I probably owe an apology, I haven�t been my usual funny and witty self lately. Regular Jesster should be back next week after a necessary weekend of reflection and rumination (does that mean rum is involved?) in sunny Las Vegas.

Note: I have been sent a correction and it is necessary for the editorial staff to retract a previous statement. Byron is not shacked up. For some unknown reason to mankind, he has been reading my blog and felt it necessary to let me know this tidbit of information. Done.

Also, I forgot to include Shep and Kathie on my new friends list when I did the retrospective from 1997 � current.

Chris B, my coworker, and I, were discussing the downfall of the Dallas Cowboys and their collective drug problems of the 1990�s. I mentioned Michael Irvin and Leon Lett as examples but at the time, I could not think of the third one I wanted to mention, all I could think of was it was a really, really big black guy (Nate Newton). Chris thought that the fact that I knew this information automatically made me a cool chick. He also wished he had a single male friend who could benefit from the coolness that I have to offer. That makes two of us. The world needs more people like Chris B, because he thinks I am cool AND funny.

Also, upon my research trying to remember the third Cowboy that had escaped me-I remembered--Nate Newton was caught with 175 lbs of pot. Yes, he goes about 350 but that is one hell of a big bowl you could fill with that much weed. I bet that would fill up the whole coffee cup that Beaver Cleaver fell into on that billboard.

I am in the process of coming up with a 100 things about Jesster list. Try it yourself-it�s not easy I assure you. Please stand by, it will be ready for prime time shortly.

Social update: Wednesday, out with the GE boys. Thursday: B3 wants to go out. Not quite sure if I want to go. I would really like to see Tall Steve before I scoot off to Sin City but that would require him to call me so we shall see.

I think that everyone I know owns a cell phone except my grandparents. So, anyone who says �I haven�t had time to call you� is full of shit. Let�s see-most people have a 20 or 30 minute commute twice a day, five days a week. Again I admit to being no math whiz but for the average bear, that�s about 3 hours a week of prime talking time. In my book, the statement should really be like �I didn�t want to call you� or �I have more important things to do than call you�. Same with email-I haven�t had a minute to email you back. Really? Not a single minute? In the 10,080 hours in a week, you couldn�t spare one minute to say �I�m super busy right now-I�ll call you on the way home from work�. That took about 12 seconds to type, but I am a fast typer.

Have a splendid Tuesday, I am looking forward to hitting the gym tonight and getting my stuff together-did I mention I�m going to Las Vegas? Ha.

PS I am teaching myself HTML. So any funky formatting issues on this blog can be blamed thusly.

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Shoes - 2009-04-29
I'm back! - 2009-04-23
She's back.... - 2007-07-25
No longer preggo! - 2006-11-20
Sorry, middle of the night nonsense - 2006-10-28
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