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2004-05-06 - 11:52 a.m.

I forgot to post this, I had most of it written and got sidetracked. Damn work.

I was trying to explain to Shep the other night that I make really good potato salad. I also was trying to explain it to my date last week, Tall Steve. I couldn�t really tell Steve the kudos that I have gotten before-like when Kurt told his mom that I made her potato salad better than she did (whoops-sorry Joan). I don�t claim to be a good cook but there are a handful of things I can do well and this is one of them, Spinach dip is another one. Now I could go for some potato salad�I don�t think I made it at all last summer. It�s kind of a pain to make, not hard just putsy. Perhaps I�ll have to whip up a small batch of it soon, I may even bring some camping, we shall see. (don�t worry MC, I�ll be sure to drop some off for you).

I like having stuff planned. I like looking in my date book and seeing that I have stuff going on. Next week is booking up nicely although I am keeping Thursday open for packing type purposes. I really don�t have anything going on this weekend, besides Friday night so I am quite looking forward to getting a few things done�laundry, tornado alley (my desk), misc. cleaning. I need to get my toes done for my trip but can�t get anywhere so I�ll have to resort to the Chinese. Not exactly pampering and I always think they are talking about me in Chinese or whatever but it gets the job done.

I went out for dinner last night for Cinco de Mayo, it was a nuthouse at Botanas, so we had a beer and scooted. We went to Guadalajara, which was totally empty, food was pretty good. Then we went to the Social. It was very good to see Rose, it�s been way to long and she is very fun to hang with. Rose�s cousin came by. He said we should go grab a drink, and gave me his phone number, I am not sure how I feel about that, he�s a little older but seems pretty nice.

I don�t know, the nunnery is looking more and more tempting�plus black is very slimming on me and I love hats so the veil thing is probably close enough. Do you think they would just let me wear a black baseball hat? Or maybe my black Mrs. Frosty the Snowman winter hat (if you've seen it, you know which one. If not, it's black wool with a number of flowery type items on the front. Very cute)

B3 (Bryan-3) emailed me this morning, he wants to get together before I go to Vegas, don�t know if I can squeeze him in�I am also supposed to go out with this other guy Dave that I have been talking to/emailing since like November. I�m not too jazzed about it�we kind of lost touch and have been emailing for a couple months, and he can�t find time to grab a beer? Give me a break. I think he�s getting the heave-ho.

We are going to go pick out bridesmaid tops tonight for Shannie�s wedding. They are cute and there are a ton of choices. I was very adamant about picking a non-strapless number but I am thinking that I might be able to swing it�.my new kick-ass I�m going to Las Vegas dress is strapless and it fits just fine and I don�t think it is going anywhere.

Enjoy the Friends finale...


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